
I noticed an affinity with dogs at a very young age, yet it was not until I started regularly boarding dogs of varying breeds and temperaments that I discovered a truly extraordinary aptitude for the work. It has been about a year and a half since I decided to begin boarding dogs in my home through DogVacay (now Rover.com), and am extremely grateful for the experience. The positive feedback I’ve received has been very rewarding; especially from clients who were surprised by my ability to quickly bond with anxious or unsociable dogs.

Bandyt - My Favorite GuestI’ve always suspected dog training could be my true calling, but my secondary passion, information technology, seemed to be the more practical career path. It took a few years, but I finally decided to follow my passion and work with animals full-time.

The result of this epiphany was PetProdigy.com – a place to help teach you how to communicate effectively with your favorite furry pal(s). That’s really what its all about! A happy, confident, and well-behaved dog knows how to please his owner.

While I have had dogs and cats my entire life, I don’t have any pets at home right now – so your special children will get 100% of my attention. Over the years I’ve gained quite a lot of experience with what it takes to care for a sick or disabled animal. I had a diabetic/handicapped cat for over 10 years, a Golden Retriever with a thyroid condition, a Labrador with terrible allergies, and more. I have also been an active volunteer with several rescue organizations around the valley, providing an opportunity to work with a variety of breeds and personalities.

Rather than building a generic training business and trying to compete in such a crowded marketplace, I have decided to focus on a few specific areas many dog owners need help with:

  • Come when called
  • Sit/stay & down/stay
  • Recreation & advanced play (off-leash commands, frisbee/fetch, & more)
  • Leash training – no pulling!
  • Socialization (new people, other dogs, cats, etc.)


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